Healthcare Simulation Accreditation Programs

According to the International Society for Quality in Healthcare, accreditation is a process “in which trained external peer reviewers evaluate a health care organization’s compliance with pre-established performance standards. Endorsement of healthcare simulation programs is an assurance that a program meets the standards and requirements set forth as guidelines. Accreditation and Endorsement are methods of external peer-evaluation to determine a healthcare simulation program’s consistent use of the best practices and healthcare simulation standards. This article will explore the options for simulation program accreditation and endorsement.

Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH)

Simulation-based education (SBE) has matured into a formally recognised education method embedded in all healthcare education programmes. Important standards of delivery of SBE are defined and described in a document that can be readily applied in different organizational contexts. Throughout 2015 and 2016, ASPiH consulted widely and developed the standards framework for simulation-based education in the UK. ASPiH is now in the early stages of provision of an accreditation scheme that individuals and organizations can apply to demonstrate that there is delivery of high quality simulation-based education that will benefit patient care in clinical practice.

The ASPiH recognition differs from other certifications, as this is a portfolio based application and evaluation. The ASPiH is titled as an accreditation for individuals and institutions. There are two key documents recommended to review before the commencement of ASPiH Accreditation application: ASPiH SBE Accreditation Guidance 2019 and The ASPiH Standards for SBE Framework. There are also assessment descriptor matrices to help applicants to have a better understanding of what is expected by reviewers in each of the sections of the individual and organizational application forms.

To become accredited, individuals and organizations should be:

  • Delivering simulated-based education
  • Able to provide evidence to support their application
  • Able to meet the requirements of the standards and accreditation documentation

International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation in Nursing (INACSL) Endorsement Program

INACSL’s Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement is designed to recognize healthcare institutions and practices that have demonstrated excellence in application of all four of these simulation standards from the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice (HSSOBP) in their educational simulation programs:

  • Prebriefing: Preparation and Briefing
  • Facilitation
  • Professional Integrity
  • Debriefing

View the LEARN CE/CME Platform Webinar Gain Recognition with INACSL’s Healthcare Simulation Standards Endorsement Program to learn more!

The Healthcare Simulation Standards guides the integration, use, and advancement of simulation-based experiences within academia, clinical practice, and research. Recognition of the Healthcare Simulation Standards are aspirational and that context, resources, accreditation needs, and other factors may affect the implementation and attainment of the Healthcare Simulation Standards, the endorsement publicly recognizes institutions that excel in creation of simulation experiences that enhance learning, promote professional development, and/or advance the science of simulation. Organizations who receive the endorsement demonstrate a commitment to pursue and sustain excellence in the aforementioned four standards, designated as the “Cornerstone” Health Simulation Standards.

Society for Simulation in Europe (SESAM) Accreditation

SESAM Accreditation program is based on the experience and expertise of the international multidisciplinary and interprofessional community of practice. The SESAM Accreditation takes into account the broad variety of simulation modalities and the context of their usage.

The term Educational Institution incorporates all facilities that provide educational sessions and exercise events for healthcare providers from all disciplines and professions. These can be simulation centers with dedicated space, mobile units that function completely ‘out-of-the box’, manikin-based facilities or departments that rely on standardized patient (SP) methodology.

In the process to seek accreditation an institution can demonstrate their quality as having been judged and validated by an independent body who is, internationally recognized as, an opinion leader in the domain of simulation-based education in healthcare. The use of the “Accredited by SESAM” logo is a quality marker which will allow the institution to stand out and further underline their dedication to high-quality standards.

Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH)

Achieve recognition for a healthcare simulation program through SSH Accreditation to set the program apart by becoming an SSH Accredited Program. SSH Accreditation is a peer-reviewed, customized evaluation of a healthcare simulation program. The SSH Accreditation examines simulation program’s processes and outcomes in assessment, research, teaching/education, and systems integration.

The SSH Accreditation has expanded quality healthcare simulation worldwide. The SSH Council for Accreditation of Healthcare Simulation Programs accredited the first healthcare simulation program in 2010. There are now over 100 SSH Accredited Programs from 10 countries, and SSH is the largest healthcare simulation accrediting body in the world.

The Standards of Performance were developed with all programs in mind. The Standards are not prescriptive but instead describe the desired outcomes and processes that are hallmarks of quality healthcare simulation. SSH Accreditation is designed for simulation programs in:

  • Academic/University environments
  • Hospitals
  • Medical Associations
  • Stand-alone facilities
  • Other educational environments

Provisional Accreditation

Sometimes a healthcare program is new to simulation, or does not have the two years of outcomes data to provide results. These programs may want to consider SSH Provisional Accreditation. Provisional Accredited programs will receive constructive feedback from healthcare simulation experts in regards to processes and outcome development, validate the simulation program through a peer review process, and much more.

Factors to Consider for Accreditation and Endorsement

Each of the programs discussed in this article have different perspectives and approaches to evaluate and validate the clinical simulation program. Select the most appropriate accreditation and endorsement process that the simulation program has documentation to meet the criteria and requirements. Some points to consider are:

  • What is the focus of the accreditation and endorsement?
  • Does the program have the data to meet the requirements?
  • Does the simulation staff and faculty have the time to write the application with all supporting data?
  • What aspect of the clinical simulation program is used to evaluate performance?
  • Does the healthcare simulation program have administrative support documented to sustain clinical simulation?
  • Does the clinical simulation program have the financial resources to pay all associated costs with the accreditation and endorsement requirements?