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Key terms in Healthcare Simulation are a core requirement to understanding the unique field. Here then are 16 more new keywords that the team has created pages for to help clinical simulation champions better understand the terminology within the global community. Click the links on any of the terms below to read greater details, which cover new companies, certification, events, simulator types, organizations, certification and accreditation opportunities and more. Looking for even more keyterms related to medical simulation? Check out the links at the bottom of this article for even more “must-know” terms for clinical simulation!

Certified Healthcare Simulation EducatorCHSE and CHSE-A: The Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) and Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator – Advanced (CHSE-A) are certifications available from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). As in the case of many medical specialties, certification helps distinguish a professional as an expert in the field. In healthcare simulation, there are a few certifications that help identify clinical simulation technicians and educators as being more extremely knowledgeable on the practice. Certification in healthcare simulation is the process to obtain, verify, and assess the qualifications of a practitioner. This page covers how the Society for Simulation in Healthcare offers the Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) and Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator – Advanced (CHSE-A) certification. Note: See the CHSOS page for certification related to Healthcare Simulation Operations.

Women in Leadership Symposium by ASPE, INACSL, SSH, and SimGHOSTS: The Women in Leadership Symposium was created as a one-day event to bring together curious and aspiring, new and experienced leaders in healthcare simulation. The challenges and opportunities for female healthcare simulation professionals include the development of leadership skills in all professional sectors and environments. The Association for Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE), the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL), and the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), are collaborating to create an interactive day of personal and professional development featuring renowned speakers, vigorous discussion, and relationship-building for each WIL symposium. is an official media partner with ASPE, INACSL, and SimGHOSTS and looks forward to recognizing Women in Leadership for simulation professionals.

Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist – CHSOS and CHSOS-A: The Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist (CHSOS) and Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist – Advanced (CHSOS-A) are technical certifications provided by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). As in the case of many medical specialties, certification helps distinguish a professional as an expert in the field. In healthcare simulation, a few certifications help identify clinical simulation technicians and educators as extremely knowledgeable in the practice. Certification in healthcare simulation is the process to obtain, verify, and assess a practitioner’s qualifications. This page shares more about The Society for Simulation in Healthcare’s Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist (CHSOS) and Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist – Advanced (CHSOS-A) certifications. Note: Please see the CHSE page for the Educator’s Certification also available from SSH.

IMSH 2025: IMSH 2025, aka the 2025 International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, is hosted every year by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) in a major city in the United States. Dedicated to healthcare simulation research and learning, the event provides an opportunity for “Simulation Champions” from around the world to come together to network with peers, learn from experts, and see the latest medical simulation innovations. IMSH 2025 will occur in Orlando, Florida, from January 10th to January 14, 2025. As updates become available, more conference information will be added to this page.

ECMO Simulation: ECMO Simulation is an emerging speciality educational and training opportunity that is rapidly expanding within the field of healthcare. Simulated trainers for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) allows healthcare professionals the opportunity to practice the skills of initiating and life-saving techniques. ECMO is a form of life support for people with life-threatening illness or injury that affects the function of their heart or lungs. ECMO keeps blood moving through the body and keeps oxygen and carbon dioxide in balance. This form of life support is used to provide prolonged cardiac and respiratory assistance for patients who have heart and lung conditions that are unable to maintain an adequate amount of perfusion. ECMO may be an option when other life support measures have not worked.

SimVS: SimVS has emerged as a trailblazer in developing affordable simulated medical device technology. With a groundbreaking line of virtual patient monitors, assessment devices, IV Pumps, defibrillators, and more, SimVS has revolutionized how medical professionals and clinical students train and practice skills. Today, SimVS is one of the world’s most successful providers of simulated medical device monitors, boasting thousands of unit installations on devices across the globe.

OB Simulator: An OB Simulator, or an Obstetrics simulator, is a speciality manikin that realistically mimics a woman in the pregnancy phase/terms to labor and delivery to immediate postpartum phase. OB simulators can allow learners to practice care of the pregnant patient in a variety of environments that includes: office, home, pre-hospital, and hospital. These healthcare simulators can help learners to identify at-risk conditions early and manage to prevent further complications.

National League for Nursing (NLN): The National League for Nursing (NLN) has been involved in nursing simulation and clinical simulation research for numerous years. signed a media partnership to support the NLN in May of 2023. In 2003 the National League for Nursing, through a grant from the Laerdal Medical Corporation, began a three-year, multisite study to explore how to design and implement simulations as a teaching strategy and evaluate selected learning outcomes using simulations. As a result of this research, the Jeffries Simulation Framework was developed. The NLN/Jeffries Simulation Theory evolved from the simulation framework in 2015. This page will explore the contributions of NLN to clinical simulation.

HTC Vive: HTC Vive is designing Virtual Reality (VR) to enable healthcare organizations to provide the next generation of professionals with the tools they need to meet the demands of 21st-century healthcare education. For decades, healthcare organizations, universities, and hospitals have used simulations to provide students with risk-free, hands-on environments to hone their skills. Recently, these organizations have begun expanding beyond physical simulations to include virtual reality.

Moulage Sciences and Training: Moulage Sciences and Training (MST) offers a variety of training courses designed to help you reach your greatest potential in the field of moulage. In addition to their standard course catalog, custom classes can be designed and delivered to meet your unique requirements. Moulage Sciences and Training instructors have an extensive professional background, including special effects makeup for film and television, fine art, and science.

Pharmacy Simulation: Healthcare Simulation has been incorporated into the Doctor of Pharmacy and their accreditation, The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). The ACPE is the national agency for the accreditation of professional degree programs in pharmacy and providers of continuing pharmacy education. The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Accreditation Standards and Key Elements for the Professional Program in Pharmacy Leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy Degreehas established guidelines to guide professional education of the doctorally-prepared pharmacy programs. These standards describe areas where programs can experiment and innovate within the didactic and experiential components of their curricula to meet the required Educational Outcomes. Contemporary educational concepts are incorporated into the curriculum for competency-based student readiness to meet the need to be advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE-ready), provide direct patient care in a variety of healthcare settings (Practice-ready), and ability to contribute as a member of an interprofessional collaborative patient care team (Team ready).

Virtual Reality in Healthcare Simulation: Virtual Reality in Healthcare Simulation provides clinical learners the opportunity to experience simulated first-person representations of medical environments, patients, and tasks. Defined in the Healthcare Simulation Dictionary as a virtual representation of an actual patient, which can take many forms, such as software-based physiological simulators, simulated patients, physical manikins, and simulators. Note that here “Virtual Simulation” could represent 2D digital patients on tablets or desktop screens, but “Virtual Reality” specifically represents VR headset-based learning technologies which “fully immerse” the participant in a completely simulated world. Since Covid-19, the development and implementation of virtual reality simulation have seen tremendous growth. Virtual Reality in Medicine is used in Healthcare to allow learners to experience visual stimuli delivered via computer graphics, as well as other sensory experiences. A significant benefit of advancing Virtual Reality in healthcare technology is that Virtual Reality lets students learn how to perform a number of tasks and procedures involving the human body without ever having to practice on a live patient.

XR Headsets for Healthcare Simulation: The selection of the right Extended Reality (XR) headset is imperative to provide clinical learners with the best virtual healthcare simulation experience. XR is an umbrella term which encompasses VR, (virtual reality) AR, (augmented reality) and MR (mixed reality). For the purpose of this page there will be examples of all of these extended reality (XR) headsets that are currently used in healthcare simulation.

Healthcare Simulation Accreditation Programs: According to the International Society for Quality in Healthcare, accreditation is a process “in which trained external peer reviewers evaluate a health care organization’s compliance with pre-established performance standards. Endorsement of healthcare simulation programs is an assurance that a program meets the standards and requirements set forth as guidelines. Accreditation and Endorsement are methods of external peer-evaluation to determine a healthcare simulation program’s consistent use of the best practices and healthcare simulation standards. This article will explore the options for simulation program accreditation and endorsement.

Sim Center: A Healthcare Sim Center is a location where healthcare education that involves experiential learning is conducted. A sim center is a dedicated area within a healthcare education building, medical center, or training facility which is devoted to medical simulation. A lot of sim centers have larger facilities with multiple simulation labs designated, whereas, smaller spaces with only a single lab may be named as simulation laboratories or simulation spaces. Sim Centers are designed specifically to meet the needs of the learners and key stakeholders through the incorporation of different modalities, equipment, and strategies. Sim Centers provide experiential learning opportunities to a variety of learners and can utilize multiple modalities to achieve learning objectives.

Auscultation Simulator: An auscultation simulator is a healthcare simulation training device that allows learners to auscultate a variety of normal and abnormal body sounds with a simulated stethoscope. A heart and lung sounds simulator is helpful for healthcare professional students and junior staff members to refine the new skill of auscultation. Inexperienced healthcare professionals desire experience to listen to a variety of heart, lung and bowel sounds prior to assessments of patients in clinical care and so training through auscultation simulation should always be considered by clinical faculty.

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Founder / CEO
Lance Baily, BA, EMT-B, is the Founder / CEO of, which he started in 2010 while serving as the Director of the Nevada System of Higher Education’s Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas. Lance also founded, the world’s only non-profit organization dedicated to supporting professionals operating healthcare simulation technologies. His co-edited Book: “Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Operations, Technology, and Innovative Practice” is cited as a key source for professional certification in the industry. Lance’s background also includes serving as a Simulation Technology Specialist for the LA Community College District, EMS fire fighting, Hollywood movie production, rescue diving, and global travel. He and his wife live with their two brilliant daughters and one crazy dachshund in Las Vegas, Nevada.