Healthcare Simulation Degree Programs

Healthcare Simulation Degree programs sure are few and far apart! No matter, we have a comprehensive list of Medical Simulation Degree programs to help out. These specialized degree programs from leading healthcare educational institutions around the world will help champions build their professional experience in clinical simulation!

From MS Degrees to PhDs, and even technical AS degrees, the list of healthcare educational institutions supporting healthcare simulation with formal degree programs is growing each month!

Donโ€™t see your program on the list? Send us an email and we will add it! Note: We did not include certificate or fellowship programs in this article.

Arizonaย Stateย Universityโ€™s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation Master of Science in Healthcare Simulation:ย In a hybrid format, this program focuses on the educational, operational, and assessment expertise needed to improve healthcare simulation settings. The program offers interprofessional learners a curriculum that emphasizes simulation theory, operations, safety, and leadership.

During the MS program in healthcare simulation, learners experience how to influence the design, operations, and evaluation of educational healthcare simulation in academic or practice settings. They develop evidence-based scenario design, use technology-enhanced environments replicating real patient experiences with life-like high fidelity computer manikins or simulated participants, and employ operations techniques.