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November 21, 2022

A Two-Step Process for Choosing a Birthing Simulator

Simulated or real, there are so many ways to have a baby. A pregnant woman preparing for childbirth has several key decisions to make regarding the delivery of her baby. Where does she want to give birth – in the traditional hospital setting or in a birthing center? Regarding having a baby, the decisions pile [...]

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November 11, 2022

IPSSV2022: Creating Safer Care Through Human Factors in Pediatric Simulation

A human factors approach to pediatric simulation can be used to refocus and gain a deeper understanding of the designs, systems, and processes that may impact the delivery of quality care. Thus, human factors are integral to better supporting the safety and quality of all patients, especially pediatric patients. To convey this message and provide [...]

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September 2, 2022

Reflecting on Reflective Thinking During Healthcare Simulation

Healthcare simulation, a form of experiential learning and debriefing, is a critical component of simulation-based learning (INACSL, 2021; Nagle & Foli, 2021). Asking open-ended questions prompts learners to build on what they already know while exploring new content. This strategy helps learners synthesize new information, think critically about their performance, and identify knowledge gaps. Reflective [...]

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July 27, 2022

2HeadsR >1: A Healthcare Simulation Strategy for Role Assignment

Two heads are better than one, or so the saying goes. The clinical simulation team at Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing created an innovative strategy for role assignment in healthcare simulation built on this adage and learners are not the only ones reaping the benefits. Faculty are gaining new insight into their learners’ [...]

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