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June 21, 2024

Post SIMPACT 2024 Conference Report of Success

The Aga Khan University Centre for Innovation in Medical Education (CIME) launched its first-ever international conference, SIMPACT 2024, in Karachi, Pakistan, and Nairobi, Kenya from May 20-21st. SIMPACT 2024 gathers together a diverse array of clinical simulation professionals, which includes doctors, nurses, educators, researchers, engineers, students, experts, and industry leaders, to revolutionize healthcare education for [...]

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June 11, 2024

Enhancing Nurse Competency: The Power of Virtual Reality in Interprofessional Education

SimX VR allows for the assessment of clinical competency. In the dynamic healthcare landscape, where patient care demands are constantly evolving, ensuring nurses are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge is essential to training skilled learners and competent practitioners. Competency-based education (CBE) has long been a cornerstone of nursing education, emphasizing providing learners with [...]

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June 10, 2024

Reducing Medical Simulation Scenario Complexity with SKILLQUBE

SKILLQUBE stands out as a groundbreaking innovative solution that brings clinical simulation training to new heights. Innovation is the cornerstone of progress in the realm of medical simulation. With advancements in technology, the landscape of medical education is evolving rapidly, offering more immersive and effective learning experiences. One of the best-known learning theories in the [...]

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April 17, 2024

Early Adoption of PCS SimVox AI Speaker Deemed Invaluable for FSU

PCS (Patient Communication Simulators) is a simulation technology and software engineering company that has been operating since 2015, specializing solely in healthcare simulation products driven by artificial intelligence (AI). PCS launched their 4th AI-driven product, SimVox in October of 2023. SimVox, the new AI speaker instantly and affordably adds innovative patient communication training technologies to [...]

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