Learn the art of creating high-fidelity healthcare simulation wounds and injuries with this 3 CE hour introductory moulage course workshop with hands-on training moulage kit* (ordered through 3 part vendor and shipped right to your door)! This mix of online instruction and in-person hands-on materials will show you how to safely apply bruises, shock & cyanosis, burns, open fractures and lacerations safely to your Standardized (Simulated) patients and/or manikins.
Learning Objectives:
- Show an understanding of how to safely plan moulage for a healthcare simulation educational or training experiences, including examples of safety considerations.
- Understand how simulated moulage makeup can be used in clinical simulation experiences to improve clinical patient outcomes. List common applications of simulation in healthcare.
- Create a realistic bruise using crème makeup on a human model or manikin, and a realistic open laceration using a wax based moulage and simulated blood products