The buzzword of 2025 is AI – but what can healthcare simulation champions use Artificial Intelligence for right now? In this webinar hour, learn from Will Pamment the COO & Co-Founder of SimConverse’s AI for education platform on how you can leverage AI without needing technical expertise:
- What healthcare simulation teams are able to improve with AI right now.
- What this technology can help clinical simulation programs save time and resources on.
- How hundreds of clinical systems, healthcare universities and sim centers around the world have harnessed AI quickly and easily to deliver thousands of meaningful training hours.
Following this discussion, the presenter will showcase practical examples from simulation champion colleagues and demonstrate SimConverse platform AI technologies for use in medical simulation training. This is AI Healthcare Simulation!
Learning Objectives:
- Showcase how to effectively leverage AI in healthcare education/training without needing technical expertise.
- Share why AI is best equipped to help clinical simulation professionals save time and resources on
- Demonstrate how easily hundreds of healthcare organizations have adopted AI into clinical communication training.