There is a large body of research demonstrating that simulation-based education (SBE) is an effective method to prepare students and providers for clinical practice. The use of SBE is a viable pedagogical approach to increase feelings of preparedness specifically in end-of-life events. Despite this, there are no known SBE debriefing frameworks based on psychological safety that are purposely intended to debrief feelings and emotions following psychologically stressful SBEs.
The purpose of this presentation is to report on a research study that developed a psychologically safe debriefing framework that helped students and newly graduated nurses to effectively process feelings and emotions following end-of-life simulation-based experiences (SBE). Given that SBE and associated learning outcomes have been shown to have a high degree of transferability to clinical settings, the development of a psychologically safe debriefing framework to prepare healthcare providers for the emotional/psychological issues that may be encountered after the death of a patient using SBEs was warranted and should be highly generalizable to the clinical setting.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the components of a psychologically safe debriefing framework.
- Apply a psychological safe debriefing framework to emotionally or psychologically stressful simulation experiences.
- Summarize the research related to the application of a psychologically safe debriefing framework following and end-of-life simulation.