Virtual Reality (VR) based training is becoming increasingly popular among a diverse range of healthcare institutions. While the benefits of the medium such as the immersion and scale are well accepted, there is still a growing need to understand the efficacy of this newer modality of learning. More so, the prevalent question is how can educators effectively use this new tool in their toolbox. In this webinar, the speakers will present results from two independent IRB-approved studies conducted by them at their institutions respectively. The two use cases are very different and each of them addressed different learning objectives with different learner groups. And in both cases, there were profound results in knowledge improvement and learner efficacy.
At NYU Langone, Dr. Brian Kaufman, as part of a study orchestrated by the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), ran a VR-based Difficult Airway Management training and found a 26% increase in procedural knowledge in intubation in just a 25 minute session among Residents. This was just one of the significant results and there were several other insightful statistics as well.
Halyna Yurkiv, RN, BScN, MN created a novel VR-based simulation using three different environments to simulate a typical nursing shift for nursing students at the Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) on the InvolveXR platform. Her study using this simulation also showed a statistically significant acquisition in respiratory distress knowledge.
Join this webinar to learn more about how they performed the study and the results they measured. These use cases will also provide institutions and their educators some examples of how they can incorporate effective VR-based learning for their own programs.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how VR-based training produced significant knowledge improvements based on two IRB-approved studies in nursing and medicine.
- Understand where VR-based training produced high level of learner efficacy.
- Get inspired by novel use cases that can showcase how VR can be an effective tool for your program(s).