SimNurseNZ: The Insightful Nursing Simulation Podcast

SimNurseNZ: The Insightful Nursing Simulation Podcast

The Douglas Starship Simulation Program Simulation Nurse Educators in Auckland, New Zealand, Erin Carn-Bennett, Marie Collinson and Alison Cartwright have created a podcast called Sim Nurse NZ. Sim Nurse NZ captures a range of conversations about all topics about healthcare simulation. This article by Erin Carn-Bennett, RN, MSN will explore Sim Nurse NZ podcast episodes released so far and hopes for the future. Looking for more great podcasts? Check out the comprehensive medical simulation podcasts article!

Episode 1: SimZones by Roussin & Weinstock (2017) Journal Club & Who is SimNurseNZ?

Get to know the “ultimate tripod” of healthcare simulation nurse educators from SimNurseNZ: Erin Carn-Bennett, Marie Collinson and Alison Cartwright. Their backgrounds and passion points are discussed plus a journal club with a discussion around Chris Roussin and Peter Weinstock article about The Sim Zones and how to apply to a clinical simulation program.

Episode 2: Dr Peter Weinstock gets asked the big questions by SimNurseNZ

Dr Peter Weinstock at the time of interview was the Executive Program Director of Immersive Design Systems, Anesthesia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Simulation, Senior Associate, Critical Care Medicine & Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School. However, recently Peter has become the Senior Medical Director of Healthcare Engineering at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Peter has been a pivotal international link for the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme and has been key to grow their team to what the team is today. Episode two discusses the foundational “Sim Zones” article discussed in episode one as well as many other topics that relate to healthcare simulation concepts.

Episode 3: The pivot of simulation based education

In this episode SimNurseNZ share stories and reflect on the pivot in our clinical simulation based education roles in 2021. There is discussion about work imagined vs. work done in policy development and implementation and how clinical simulation can be a tool to explore this.

View the Webinar Podcasting 101 for Healthcare Simulation: A Beginner’s Guide to learn more!

Episode 4: G+T Who is DSSP and how did we get to where we are now?

This episode of Sim Nurse NZ focuses on the history of the clinical simulation team that is the Douglas Starship Simulation Program. Trish Wood and Dr Gabrielle Nuthall who were very involved in the establishment of DSSP discuss the humble start point of the program and the growth until today. The focus of this episode is around how to build and establish pillars and foundations of a successful clinical simulation program.

Episode 5: Dr Khang Hee Gan & VRR

Dr Khang Hee Gan tells SimNurseNZ about his career journey to become a Paediatric Emergency Consultant in Starship Children’s Hospital and his journey into healthcare simulation. Khang also discusses his fellowship in 2019 and Sick Kids, Canada in 2020. Khang introduced the DSSP team to “Virtual Resus Room” on his return from Canada. VRR is an incredible tool the team advocates for and talks about in detail.

Season 2. Episode 1: Dr. Todd Chang, Virtual Reality in Healthcare Simulation Research

Dr. Todd Chang is based at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). Todd is the Medical Director at Las Madrinas Simulation Center at CHLA and is a Children’s Emergency Senior Physician. Todd is also an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of Southern California.

Todd has a passion for the advancement of healthcare education and innovation. He specialises in the field of virtual reality healthcare simulation. Todd is a world leader in this field of education and he has made significant contributions to development and implementation of VR technology in healthcare staff education, patient care and research related to VR.

Season 2. Episode 2: Dr Jessica Stokes-Parish on Moulage and Simulated Participants in Healthcare Simulation

Dr Jessica Stokes-Parish is an Associate Dean and Translational Simulation researcher at Bond University, Gold Coast Australia. Jess specializes in healthcare simulation, moulage techniques, and the use of simulated participants which are the main topics for this episode. With a background in nursing and education, Jess brings a wealth of knowledge on enhancement of healthcare simulation realism and effectiveness.

Jess is an intensive care nurse and health professions educator, with post graduate degrees in education, nursing practice and science communication. In 2022 Jess published a signature CRABS framework for publication and research credibility. This framework is designed to help sift through online content to determine what is credible (and what’s not). Jess also has a highly subscribed Instagram account which challenges misinformation on the internet and how to be a good influencer.

Season 2. Episode 3: Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz on Healthcare Simulation, AI in translation, and Human Factors.

Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz is an experienced healthcare simulation educator, leader and researcher with expertise in AI applications for clinical education. Jabeen is the SimKIDS Medical Director at Sick Kids Hospital in Canada and holds the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Jabeen discusses in her interview the use of AI tools like Google Translation and human factors video recording in healthcare simulation to enhance education and patient safety.

Season 2. Episode 4: Dr. David Gaba, “Simulation is a Technique not a Technology”

Dr. David Gaba is coined one of the grandfathers of healthcare simulation. David has incredible career achievements that includes creation of the first medical manikin and merging CRM (crisis resource management) from the airline industry into healthcare simulation based education. Dr Gaba is full of profound insights and catchy taglines for this interview.

David is a distinguished Professor of Anesthesia and Associate Dean for Immersive and Simulation-Based Learning at Stanford University. He is recognized for his ground-breaking work in medical simulation and CRM, shaping the landscape of healthcare education and patient care worldwide over the last 34 years. SimNurseNZ also reflects on Dr. David Gaba’s visionary insights from his seminal 2004 article on the future of simulation in healthcare.

Season 2. Episode 5: Dr. Traci Wolbrink on Healthcare Simulation Behind a Screen

Dr. Traci Wolbrink is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and an Intensivist at Boston Children’s Hospital in the PICU. Traci co-founded OPENPediatrics, an innovative online platform, aimed to revolutionise paediatric healthcare education globally. OPENpediatrics serves as a collaborative, peer-reviewed resource that is particularly revolutionary in resource-limited environments. OPENpediatrics has over 128,000 registered users, their videos have been viewed over 23 million times and are also used in every country worldwide.

Dr Traci Wolbrink is a pioneer in the utilisation of escape room concepts in healthcare simulation to innovate medical education. She is well published in regard to gaming theory and the impact on healthcare professionals education which is discussed alongside OPENpediatrics in this episode.

Season 2. Episode 6: SimNurseNZ Interviews Dr. Carl Horsley

In this episode SimNurseNZ speak with Dr. Carl Horsley, a seasoned ICU specialist at Middlemore Hospital in New Zealand. Within this role Carl’s focus has been on the practical application of Resilience Engineering in healthcare settings and the use of clinical simulation to build resilient teams and test systems. Carl has a Master of Science in Human Factors and System Safety from Lund University. Carl also has a role at the Health Quality and Safety Commission New Zealand as a Clinical Lead.

SimNurseNZ has been off to a sound start in regards to high profile guests interviewed so far on the multidisciplinary healthcare simulation podcast. readers are encouraged to tune into SimNurseNZ and hear about what the global leaders in healthcare simulation have to share with the international community. If the community has feedback or suggested guests for SimNurseNZ please feel free to get in touch.

Learn How to Start a Healthcare Simulation Podcast


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Simulation Nurse Educator
Erin Carn-Bennett is a Simulation Nurse Educator for the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme in Auckland, New Zealand. Carn-Bennett has her Masters of Nursing and has an extensive nursing career within pediatric emergency and also nursing management. She is passionate about debriefing and all things simulation. Carn-Bennett is a member of the IPSS board of directors. Carn-Bennett is the lead host of the podcast Sim Nurse NZ.