Redesim Podcast Promotes Healthcare Simulation Training, Patient Safety

Redesim Podcast Promotes Healthcare Simulation Training, Patient Safety

Healthcare simulation podcasts are a great way for learners to hear about the latest innovations across clinical simulation. The “Redesim” podcast was launched by the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2021 and presents different guests from across healthcare simulation. They exchange educational experiences that have been generated with the implementation, development, and innovation of simulation-based teaching, in addition to promoting good training practices. medical and patient safety. This article shares more about this podcast, including a breakdown of current episodes.

Redesim Podcast Epsidoes

Episode #001 – Welcome to REDESIM: This chapter welcomes and starts the official REDESIM podcast. The guest is Dr. Laura Hernandez, Head of the Department of Integration of Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM.

Episodio #002 – We are waiting for you at SIMex: In this second episode of the REDESIM podcast, Dr. Cassandra Durán Cárdenas, Teaching Coordinator of the Department of Integration of Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM, shares everything related to SIMex, as much has been experienced in recent years, and shares a preview of SIMex 2021.

Episode #003 – Importance of clinical simulation: In this second episode of the REDESIM podcast, Dr. Ariana Cerón Apipilhuasco, Director of the Simulation Center for Clinical and Surgical Excellence, Siglo XXI National Medical Center, Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), talks about the importance of simulation clinic.

Episode #004 – The role of the simulator in simulation-based learning: In this fourth episode, Dr. Edgar Herrera and Eng. Vinisa Zamudio talks about the relevance of the simulator in simulation-based learning.

Episode #005 – Reflective Learning: In this episode, Dr. Juan Manuel Fraga shares his experience in reflective learning and how this practice can impact simulation-based learning and other educational areas.

PODCAST #006 Simulation Educator Training and Certification: In this episode, Dr. Hugo Erick Olvera Cortés, coordinator of the Center for Teaching and Certification of Medical Aptitudes, of the UNAM School of Medicine, shares how an educator can be trained in simulation and the certification process.

Podcast # 007 – Simulation in health institutions: Welcome to one more episode of REDESIM where listeners can hear the importance of having a simulation center or laboratory within a hospital, the benefits, challenges, and programs developed in a health institution.

Podcast #008 – Simulated Patient: Welcome to episode #8 of REDESIM where Dr. Laura Hernández interviews Dr. Brenda Daniel and Dr. Vianey Barona about the simulated patient concept, application, and training to carry out functions in the education of health professionals.

Episode #009 – Simulation Investigation: Welcome to episode #009 of REDESIM, Dr. Gabriela Ortiz interviews Dr. Alba Brenda Daniel on the topic “Research in simulation: the importance of research in simulation.”

Episode #010 – Linking the simulation to the subjects: Welcome to episode #010 of REDESIM, Dr. Cassandra Durán interviews Dr. Gabriela Ortiz and Dr. Erick López on the topic “Linking simulation to subjects.”

Episode #11 In-situ Simulation: Welcome to episode #11 of the REDESIM Podcast, in this episode Dr. Juan Manuel Fraga shares some relevant points for in-situ simulation.

Episode #012 WebECOE at the Faculty of Medina, UNAM: Welcome to episode #012 of REDESIM. In this episode, Dr. Amilcar Alpuche Hernández shares how the WebECOE is carried out at the UNAM Faculty of Medicine.

Episode #013 SimZone: Welcome to episode #013 of REDESIM. In this episode, LE Carla Prudencio, President of the Argentine Simulation Society, shares her knowledge in managing activities with SimZone simulation.

Episode #14- Security and simulation: In this 14th episode, Dr. Diego Vinciguerra talks about safety and its relationship with clinical simulation.

Episode #15 – Difficult Debriefing: Welcome to episode #15 of REDESIM, Dr. Vianey Barona interviews Dr. Andrés Díaz-Guio on the topic “Difficult Debriefing”.

Episode #16 Innovation in teaching with simulation: In this episode #016 of REDESIM, Dr. Vianey Barona interviews Dr. Carlos Aguilar on the topic “Innovation in teaching with simulation.”

SIMex Activities in Spanish

A partir del 2017, cada año se lleva en la Ciudad de México el encuentro internacional de simulación clínica SIMex, el cual este año presenta su sexta edición bajo el eslogan “La Simulación Clínica: elemento transformador del proceso educativo” y se lleva a cabo en el Centro de Exposiciones y Congresos de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). este encuentro internacional reúne a grandes personalidades de la simulación en ciencias de la salud para compartir experiencias, avances, retos y sobre todo brinda un espacio para generar enlaces entre los apasionados por la simulación.

El encuentro cuenta con un día destinado a talleres pre-congreso donde los asistentes pueden elegir entre múltiples talleres para desarrollar habilidades, profundizar temas de interés e interactuar con varios de los congresistas antes de los días de conferencia. Algunos de los talleres llevados a cabo este año fueron: Debriefing TALK, diseño de escenarios, modelos de realimentación, manejo de recursos en crisis, implementación de simulación híbrida, paciente estandarizado con profesionales de artes dramáticas, administración y gestión de centros de simulación, acreditación de centros de simulación, ambientes híbridos con pacientes virtuales y vídeo análisis, bases del debriefing, debriefing difícil, evaluación con simulación, entre otros. Estos talleres se desarrollaron en dos sedes principales: el Centro de Enseñanza y Certificación de Aptitudes Médicas (CECAM) de la Facultad de Medicina y en la Unidad de Posgrado.

El ciclo de conferencias matutinas ocurre durante los próximos tres días, con la participación de referentes de la simulación clínica nacionales e internacionales como el Dr. Melchor Sánchez Mendiola, Lic. En enfermería Carla Prudencio, Dr. Diego Andrés Díaz Guio, BA EMT-B Lance Baily, Dr. Peter Dieckmann, Dr. Yasuharu Okuda, Dr. Federico Ferrero, PhD Kimberly Louis Leighton, Dr. Jose Luis Medina, entre otros. Por las tardes, Los congresistas nacionales e internacionales cuentan con espacios más pequeños y especializados donde se ofrecen “Charlas con el experto” con diversos temas donde los asistentes pueden elegir su tema de interés y tener una interacción más cercana y directa con el congresista.

More About the National Autonomous University of Mexico

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is the largest university in Latin America and offers more study opportunities than all the UC campuses combined. The university’s modern, attractive campus is a hub of educational and cultural activity as well as Mexico-related research. The school also plays a critical role in the nation through the support of the National Seismological Service, the National Astronomical Observatory, and the National Botanical Garden.

Attending this university provides learners with a comparative insight into the education, health, legal, and socioeconomic systems of both Mexico and the US. As home to the National Library. While attending, learners have a wealth of resources available for class projects and research. The central campus (ciudad Universitaria) in the south of Mexico City is expansive yet accessible. The school is served by good public transportation, including a free university bus service that traverses the campus.

Listen to the Redesim Podcast

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Founder / CEO
Lance Baily, BA, EMT-B, is the Founder / CEO of, which he started in 2010 while serving as the Director of the Nevada System of Higher Education’s Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas. Lance also founded, the world’s only non-profit organization dedicated to supporting professionals operating healthcare simulation technologies. His co-edited Book: “Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Operations, Technology, and Innovative Practice” is cited as a key source for professional certification in the industry. Lance’s background also includes serving as a Simulation Technology Specialist for the LA Community College District, EMS fire fighting, Hollywood movie production, rescue diving, and global travel. He and his wife live with their two brilliant daughters and one crazy dachshund in Las Vegas, Nevada.