IMSH 2025 Looking Back Reaching Forward Day 2 was an overwhelming success. Attendees had the opportunity to view “The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation” film followed by a Question and Answer panel session. The Exhibit Hall provided attendees with hands-on experience with their products and the chance to have conversations with the vendors prior to the close at 3 pm. This article by Dr. Teresa Gore will highlight some of the events from Day 3 of IMSH 2025.
Michael S. Gordon Center Lecture on Medical Simulation: Col Nicole Malachowski
Col. Nicole Malachowski, USAF (Ret.) defies stereotypes of a jet fighter pilot. A leader, a combat veteran, the first woman pilot on the Thunderbirds Air Demonstration Squadron, a White House Fellow, and an inductee into both the National Women’s Hall of Fame and the Women in Aviation International Pioneer Hall of Fame, Nicole’s distinguished 21-year Air Force career exceeded her wildest dreams. But the dream came to an end when a devastating tick-borne illness left her struggling greatly to speak or walk for almost nine months. An indomitable spirit, Nicole fought back against overwhelming odds and prevailed.
Imagine flying at a speed of 500 miles per hour with only 3 feet in every direction in a US Air Force Thunderbird flight formation that requires your jet wing has to crossover within 12 inches of another pilot’s jet wind. Nicole reminded us that TRUST is a major component of a successful team. As team members, one must acknowledge and show gratitude to one’s teammates for allowing them to do their job. To build trust, one must be trustworthy.
Another important fact is that sometimes everyone needs help. Ask for help, or the acceptable standard can be lowered. The standard that the team is willing to walk past is the standard you will accept. In the new normal world, simulation professionals, like pilots, stop fighting the turbulence and loosen your hold. This is the direct opposite of our instinctual drive. Remember, turbulence does not last forever, and one must accept they are not always in control of every aspect of a concept or problem.
Nicole empowers people with three key beliefs: failure and risk are the price of entry for achieving something great; sometimes you need to yield to overcome; and her personal mantra: “Nobody wants to lead a scripted life.”
The Pitch Film Screening
IMSH 2025 attendees were provided with a second opportunity to watch “The Pitch: Patient Safety’s Next Generation” without the panel question and answer session. This film is a follow-up to the documentary To Err is Human: A Patient Safety Documentary (2019) by Mike Eisenberg, which discusses the multiple medical errors that occurred in Sue Sheridan’s family. The Pitch highlights how technology can be a partner with healthcare to address patient safety.
Learning Labs
Members of the SSH Corporate Roundtable exhibiting at IMSH 2025 had the opportunity to showcase the products and services to healthcare simulation professionals. The Learning Labs for Sunday included:
- Inovus Medical Presents: Awarding CME & CPD in Surgical Simulation – Totum by Inovus Medical
- Gaumard Presents: Creating Meaningful Learning Events to Enrich Your Praxis Using UNI 3
What’s New in Sim Showcase
The What’s New in Sim Showcase highlighted companies in the Exhibit Hall Theatre. Each company introduced and demonstrated their product or technology to the public for an “Exclusive First Look” at the newest innovations in Simulation in Healthcare! Ten other companies were highlighted on Saturday and Sunday.
- Education Management Solutions: The Total Mobile Simulation Capture and Debrief Solution: Training in Motion
- Lumis Corp: AR without headsets on any simulator
- Bodyswaps: Developing communication skills & confidence with immersive AI simulations
The Exhibit Hall Closes
Many thanks to all the vendors who provided attendees with the opportunity to interact with their products. The exhibit hall had extra opportunities this year that included a cornhole competition, the SimVentors, Learning Labs, and
The IMSH 2025 Sponsors
Healthcare simulation conferences depend on vendors and industry to sponsor the conferences to defray some of the cost for participants to attend. IMSH 2025 and attendees would like to thank all the vendors for their dedication and presence in the exhibit hall. The SSH would like to send a special thanks to the 360 Sponsors:
- The Presidential IMSH2025 App: Education Management Solutions (EMS)
- Platinum: Elevate Healthcare, Gaumard, Intelligent Video Solutions, Laerdal, and SimX
- Gold: Simulab and Limbs & Things
Research Oral Presentations Award Winners
- IMSH 2025 1st place Abstract: Uncovering sex bias markers in Tactical Combat Casualty Care: An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study
- IMSH 2025 2nd place abstract: The high-fidelity simulation training courses based on the “Do No Harm” principle have been continuously conducted and have reduced serious complications of central venous catheterization (CVC)
- IMSH 2025 3rd place: The Engagement Scale for Simulation-Based Education (ESSBE): Scale development, validation, and psychometric properties
- IMSH 2025 Student Winner: Analysis of Mass Casualty Incident IPE Simulation Experience in Underrepresented Healthcare Community