Healthcare Simulation Dictionary 3.0

  • Posted by Teresa Gore

    Have you heard??? There is a new Healthcare Simulation Dictionary 3.0! The new dictionary version has 170 new or revised definitions and over 44 additional simulation-specific terms. The acronym list was expanded.

    What term are you excited to see?

    What term related to healthcare simulation would you like to see added?

    I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

  • Dawn Cicchini

    Yes, we got copies at IMSH! I admit I’ve been too busy to look at mine, though.

    I’m hoping they included more information about AR / XR / VR, as those are buzzwords in simulation right now – and many people struggle to differentiate between virtual reality, AI, and other computer-based simulation formats.

    I don’t know that I’d want anything more added; the Dictionary has always been at the forefront of terms from my perspective.

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