CAE Vimedix: 3 Ultrasound Simulator Configurations in Just 1 Platform

CAE Vimedix: 3 Ultrasound Simulator Configurations in Just 1 Platform

CAE Healthcare recently announced the dynamic redesign of Vimedix 3.0, providing healthcare simulation programs more in the education of ultrasound simulation. The CAE Vimedix ultrasound simulator platform is one of the industry’s most innovative simulators with performance metrics validated through numerous scientific studies, published in peer-reviewed professional medical journals. The totality of benefits from training in ultrasound on a realistic, high-fidelity simulator such as the CAE Vimedix platform are many so today let’s take a closer look at the opportunities from CAE Healthcare with this CAE Vimedix Ultrasound Simulator update

Ultrasound and ultrasonography commonly bring to mind a grainy, 2-dimensional black and white image viewed on a monitor, often of a fetus and/or of the uterine cavity. But an Ob/Gyn exam is just one instance of the varied applications for ultrasound technology in medicine — and the images are no longer only in 2 dimensions, nor are they only depicted in black and white.

From its implementation as a real-time diagnostic imaging tool (e.g. echocardiography, trauma assessment, soft tissue structures), to its utilization within interventional procedures, ultrasound is beneficial for a host of anatomical identification, diagnostic, and clinical purposes.

Innovative Learning with CAE Vimedixย 

As the field of ultrasonography grows, there is greater demand for highly-skilled practitioners and well-trained ultrasound technicians who are competent, comfortable, and confident in performing techniques associated with accurate image identification and diagnoses. Offering a comprehensive range of realistic and scalable training solutions with an ever-expanding library of features and options, Vimedix helps accelerate the learning curve from novice to proficiency, allowing repeated practice in ultrasound skills — without any risk to actual patients — until learners achieve mastery.

Through its vast catalog of pathologies, self-directed training activities, and performance metrics, CAE Vimedix assists learners to increase their assessment competencies in ultrasound procedures. Now, with the release of CAE Vimedix 3.0, ultrasound learning is more technologically- enhanced, and more user-friendly, there ever before.

CAE Vimedix: Advanced Ultrasound Training

With Vimedix 3.0, ultrasound learners benefit from the dynamic redesign of the industry’s most comprehensive (yet, easy-to-use) manikin-based simulator for efficient skills acquisition in 3 areas of ultrasound:

  1. Cardiac
  2. Abdominal
  3. Ob/Gyn ultrasound

Learning is achieved on one common platform — with the option of integrating the simulator with an augmented reality training module (VimedixAR) — an amazing technology which allows learners to “see into” the patient!

CAE Vimedix Cardiac

The optimal way to learn both transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography (TTE, TEE)

  • A dynamically-modern and visually-enhanced user interface for more immersive, interactive training
  • An expanded range of heart pathologies featuring Color Doppler and Spectral Doppler (Pulsed Wave and Continuous Wave)
  • 3D/4D cardiac ultrasound for improved imaging, identification, assessment and diagnosis (Note: Vimedix is currently the only ultrasound simulator to offer 3D/4D ultrasound for advanced cardiac assessment and diagnosis)
  • Instructor-driven, multiple Microsoft HoloLens’ support available via the immersive, augmented reality technology of VimedixAR

CAE Vimedix Abdo

A standalone simulator that facilitates effective learning in abdominal ultrasound and FAST exams which provides for:

  • A risk-free training environment for efficiently acquiring the skills to recognize over 70 emergency pathologies
  • Pleural pathologies, featuring fully animated lung respiration and respiratory variation of the inferior vena cava (IVC)
  • Self-directed, self-paced learning in FAST exams via the interactive, augmented reality technology of the VimedixAR/ Microsoft HoloLens module

CAE Vimedix Ob/Gyn

Train in over 50 pathologies of the first and second trimesters (8, 12, and 20 weeks)

  • Ability to change fetus orientation/positioning
  • Perform realistic obstetrics measurements and calculations
  • Standalone Transvaginal platform is available via the holographic, augmented reality technology of the VimedixAR/Microsoft HoloLens module

With ultrasound simulation based training from CAE Vimedix, learners acquire real-time scanning experience and can observe pathologies to which they might not otherwise have exposure. Students and learners also develop competency in essential psychomotor, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills while quickly gaining confidence.

For more information about CAE Healthcare’s ultrasound training solutions, including further updates on Vimedix 3.0, visit

Learn More About the CAE Vimedix Today!

Roxanne Blanford Avatar
Roxanne Blanford is a seasoned writer and communications specialist who also manages social media and content marketing initiatives. She provides insights and resources to the healthcare simulation community through articles that both advocate for various brands and elevates the conversation surrounding the efficacy of simulation to help make healthcare safer. Originally from New York City, Ms. Blanford studied communications, digital marketing and media literacy at The New School, New York University, and the City University of New York. She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications from the State University of New York at Empire State College. She is currently based in Sarasota, Florida.