Next Month’s International Healthcare Simulation Congress in Argentina Looks to Impress

Next Month’s International Healthcare Simulation Congress in Argentina Looks to Impress

from 30th May to 1st of June 2024, Buenos Aires Argentina is set to become hosts of the International Congress on Health Simulation and the II International Symposium on Operations in Health Simulation. With the motto ‘Teamwork towards a better health system’ the congress invites clinical simulationists to participate in the International Congress in the City of Buenos Aires in Argentina. is a proud media partner of the event, which will be represented by Columbia’s Universidad de la Sabana at Bogotá’s Dra. Catalina Vanegas Ortiz. This article by contributor Erin Carn-Bennett, RN, MSN, provides an overview of the upcoming Latin-American Clinical Simulation Congress and recommends who should look to attend.

Impressive Healthcare Simulation Lineup and Schedule for The International Congress

Advancements, opportunities and challenges in healthcare simulation will be explored at this conference. Throughout the conference there will be round table discussions and practical workshops. Topics will be delved into such as the fundamentals of health simulation, best practice standards, simulation operations, and much more.

The International Congress on Healthcare Simulation conference is organized by the prestigious Garrahan Foundation (Fundación Garrahan, Argentina) and is led by Eliana Escudero Zúñiga, MeD, and Nadir Ayrad, BS. CHSE. The International Congress event promises to be a revolutionary platform for both the advancement of and dissemination of practices and knowledge in healthcare simulation, both locally and globally.

A Number of Notable Affiliations to International Societies in Attendance

The International Congress on Healthcare Simulation has many strategic partnerships with leading healthcare simulation societies. Some of these strategic partnerships include those such as: INACSL, the INACSL RIG LATAM, SESAM, ASPE, and SimGHOSTS. There is also support from other organizations that include: SASIM, SOCHISIM, SOMESICS, and FLASIC. ‌FLASIC is an organization that shows both support and endorsement of the society. FLASIC members get benefits to attend the congress, as well as the opportunity to apply for three scholarships available at the conference.

The International Congress highlights a commitment to educational excellence in healthcare simulation. The International Congress event’s program includes seven keynote lectures by world-renowned leaders in clinical simulation such as Pier Luigi Ingrassia from SESAM and Crystal Murillo from INACSL. Pier and Crystal will share their valuable experiences and perspectives on collaboration between Latin America and Europe and the best practices standards in healthcare simulation.

The Keynote Speakers are Notable from the Healthcare Simulation Community

Pier Luigi Ingrassia is a Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Pier Luigi has also progressed into a technical officer in emergency medical systems for the World Health Organization. Pier Luigi currently leads the Centro di Simulazione (CeSi) in the Centro Professionale Sociosanitario MedicoTecnico in Lugano, Switzerland, among many other accolades. Pier is also the President Elect for SESAM, as well as standing president current and past for a number of other societies.

Crystal Murillo is a healthcare simulationist and health equity researcher. She is an experienced academician. Crystal is skilled in learning science and experiential learning, Crystal specializes in nursing education, curriculum development, higher education and University based education. Crystal is a Doctor of Philosophy with a PhD which is focused on nursing, vulnerable populations/social justice from the Medical University of South Carolina. Crystal is also the Director International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning. (INASCL)

View the LEARN CE/CME Platform Webinar The Creative Art Form of Healthcare Simulation: Increasing Realism & Outcomes to learn more!

The International Congress will have on offer more than twenty educational sessions which include: practical and immersive workshops, poster sessions, roundtable discussions that foster collaboration, excellence in clinical practice, and research. The themes on offer span from fundamentals of healthcare simulation, best practice guidelines, ethics and evaluation, operations in healthcare simulation, expansion of modalities such as simulated patients, AI, VR/AR, escape room, research and development, to the impact of simulation based education.

The International Congress event will also host the II edition of the Symposium on Operations in Healthcare Simulation. This will present a unique opportunity to advance practices in the field of clinical simulation operations. Among the experts who are contributing their knowledge to the operations symposium are Nick Brauer, Scott Crawford, Benjamin Stobbe, and Jacqueline McBride from SimGHOSTS.

The International Congress is an invitation for clinicians, educators, technicians, administrators, and enthusiasts of healthcare simulation to share, learn, and collaborate in a unique space. The International Congress event will be hosted in Spanish, but simultaneous translation in English will be available if required. The International Congress event promises to advance towards continuous improvement in healthcare through teamwork, innovation, and education in the clinical simulation space.

Aware of the importance of each member of the health team, the International Congress of Health Simulation and II International Symposium on Operations in Health Simulation emerges as an essential space for meeting, collaboration and innovation. Healthcare simulation has become an indispensable tool for the advancement of safe and effective medical care. Technology and health education currently is evolving by leaps and bounds across the globe. All clinical simulation centers worldwide are grappling with what technologies to integrate into their healthcare simulation programs.

​The congress event is designed for those who are either involved in or interested in health simulation, clinicians, educators, technicians, administrators and members of the clinical simulation industry. Join the congress to share experiences, learn from world experts and take professional practice in clinical simulation to the next level. Don’t miss the unique opportunity to be part of the cutting edge in healthcare simulation and be able to contribute to a safer and more effective healthcare system.

​Do not miss at the congress event: International and national guests, round tables with experts, networking opportunities, practical and immersive workshops, contact with global societies, presentation of posters with prizes, simultaneous translation into multiple languages, quality raffles and much more.​The Congress will take place from May 30 to June 1, 2024 from 0830 to 1800 each day. The event will be held at San Agustín Auditorium (UCA), Alicia Moreau de Justo 1300 , City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Registration to the International Congress event includes: simultaneous translation into multiple language options, attendance certificate, participation in all sessions of the event, coffee breaks and an “After Office Reception in Buenos Aires” event. The International Congress on Health Simulation and the II International Symposium on Operations in Health Simulation has promised to be an incredible event for innovation, education and healthcare simulation in Argentina that is sure to not disappoint!

Learn More & Register for the International Congress on Health Simulation

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Erin Carn-Bennett is a Simulation Nurse Educator for the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme in Auckland, New Zealand. Carn-Bennett has her Masters of Nursing and has an extensive nursing career within pediatric emergency and also nursing management. She is passionate about debriefing and all things simulation. Carn-Bennett is a member of the IPSS board of directors. Carn-Bennett is the lead host of the podcast Sim Nurse NZ.