August 29, 2013By Lance Baily

Simulab Products Train 200 Healthcare Professionals A Month at NorthShore University Health System

Continuing our multi-part series on Simulab, this week we take a closer look at the successful utilization of their products by the Healthcare training staff at NorthShore University Health System’s Center for Simulation and Innovation. Lead by Dr. Ernest Wang Clinical Associate Professor and Medical Simulation Program Director, the program annually supports about 6,000 healthcare professionals, including residents and new students, 1400 of whom will use a Simulab product for training! I sat down with Dr. Wang to learn more about their program, and their overwhelming support for Simulab products and services. Watch the video interview or read the transcript from Dr. Wang’s testimonial below:

Need to catch up with other Simulab videos from this series? Take a look at our video introduction in Part 1, and a close up of TraumaMan in-situ at the LSU Interim Hospital during a surgical abdomen scenario in Part 2.

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“NorthShore Center for Simulation is a 13,000 sq.ft. simulation center and we are a bit unique in that we are not housed on the campus of a academic medical campus or medical school. We are in a community based hospital system that services a 4 hospital health system and that plays into our mission of training adult level learners, who are in clinical practice, who use the center to maintain and update their skills. We have achieved accreditation with the Society for Simulation in Healthcare as a Center for Training Excellence. We have achieved accreditation with the American College of Surgeons, and more recently we have obtained the ability to run maintenance and certification courses for anesthesiologists.

We are target to have approximately 6,000 learners come through our space this year, of which probably about 200 a month will be using Simulab’s TraumaMan, TraumaChild, or CentraLineMan, during their experience.

The way we used to do procedure training was on cadavers with our residents. We would have two cadavers and have a whole group of residents come down, which we could only do about once a year because of cost. So as you can imagine, not everyone would get a first cut experience and the cadavers would not allow for the tactile feedback. So having TraumaMan and CentraLineMan has been a fantastic way to increase the training opportunities for our residents. We like the Simulab products because we feel like they provide: #1 a great tactile feel, its true-to-life – which is really important to be present so that learners get the sensory and visual cues, and #2 is the first cut experience, which is often times the most important thing that people can get out of these simulations.

simulab testimonials

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It was really nice in our Trauma simulations, not only the residents managing the case well, but also being able to do the chest tube insertion in real time. We get to watch them did it, making the first cut, getting the pop through the pleura, which sounds and feels very realistic. And then you can see the expressions on their face that the residents are really into it, and that a sense that when there is blood coming out that they are doing this procedure on as real a person that is currently possible. That translates into the next time when they are doing this procedure on a real patient – they get the same tactile feedback, they get the same mental image and experience, so they gain confidence and they gain technical proficiency. The beauty is that, if there is something the learner is not quite sure of, they can talk it over with the instructor and then do it again to gain more experience. You can do these procedures as many times as you want on Simulab skins before you do it on a real patient. Mid-level providers can also practice wound-care and suturing techniques on the tissue.

We have been using Simulab products for the last seven years, and I feel comfortable saying that we highly recommend that if you are starting a program either in central line training, tube thoracostomy training, advanced trauma training, that you look at the products because they will definitely help your training initiatives and make your practitioners better.”

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